Student Development Administrators Association (SDAA) Constitution and By-Laws



Section 1. The name of this Association shall be: “North Carolina Community Colleges Student Development Administrators Association (SDAA).”

ARTICLE II Objectives

Section 1. The objectives of this Association shall be:

  1. Promote the concept of student development in all institutions of the North Carolina Community College System.
  2. Create an awareness of the role and function of the chief administrator for student development services.
  3. Provide a vehicle through which communication among the institutions of the Community College System, and articulation with the North Carolina Community College Office can be facilitated.
  4. Provide a means of leadership for the professional growth of personnel who are responsible for student development services.


ARTICLE III Membership

Section 1. Active Membership in this Association shall be comprised of all administrators of student development (also student services or student affairs) in leadership positions of state-funded community colleges in North Carolina.

Section 2. Associate Membership is available to professional persons who may contribute to the objectives of the Association.

Section 3. Period of membership shall be July 1 through June 30 of each year.

Section 4. Questions of eligibility for membership shall be referred to the Executive Committee of the Association for action.



Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, and five regional members-at-large elected from the Active members in each of the regions described below.

Western/Mountain: Asheville Buncombe, Blue Ridge, Caldwell, Catawba Valley, Cleveland, Haywood, Isothermal, Mayland, McDowell, Southwestern, Tri-County, Western Piedmont, and Wilkes;

Piedmont/Foothills: Central Piedmont, Davidson-Davie, Forsyth, Gaston, Guilford, Mitchell, Montgomery, Rockingham, Rowan-Cabarrus, South Piedmont, Stanly, and Surry;

Central: Alamance, Central Carolina, Durham, Fayetteville, Johnston, Piedmont, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Sandhills, Vance-Granville, and Wake;

Northeast: Albemarle, Beaufort, Edgecombe, Halifax, Martin, Nash, Pitt, Roanoke-Chowan, Wayne, and Wilson; and

Southeast: Bladen, Brunswick, Cape Fear, Carteret, Coastal Carolina, Craven, James Sprunt, Lenoir, Pamlico, Sampson, and Southeastern.

Section 2. All elected officers of the Association shall be Active members of the Association.


ARTICLE V Annual Meetings

Section 1. There shall be annual meetings of the Association. Standard meetings may include:

  1. Fall Meeting; session during the NCCC-System Conference, offset years location as determined by Executive Committee.
  2. Spring Meeting; Joint Administrators Conference typically in conjunction with the NC Association of Community College Instructional Administrators.
  3. Summer Meeting; may be a one-day membership conference.

Section 2. The dates and places of the meetings shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Standard meeting dates may be adjusted or canceled by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Meetings may be held electronically to conduct association business at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


ARTICLE VI Amendments

Section 1. This constitution may be amended at any official meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the Active Members present and provided the proposed amendment has been presented to the Active Membership in writing by the Executive Committee at least thirty days prior to the meeting.

Section 2. The Executive Committee may refer amendments to the membership by mailed or emailed ballot, instead of in-person meetings. Two-thirds of the Active Membership shall be considered binding for voting conducted via mail or email balloting.



ARTICLE I Nomination and Election of Officers

Section 1. The election of officers shall take place at the summer meeting of this association. The president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer will be elected in alternating years, with president and vice president being elected in odd numbered years, and secretary and treasurer being elected in even numbered years.

Section 2. The president of the Association shall appoint a nominating committee from the Active Membership prior to the summer meeting of the Association. This committee shall nominate an Active Member as a candidate for each office of the Association that will become vacant at the end of the summer meeting. Additional nominations of Active Members may be made from the floor by Active Members of the Association.

Section 3. One Active Member from each college is qualified to cast one vote (one vote per College).

Section 4. Voting may be by voice vote when there is only one nominee per office. In all cases where there is more than one nominee for a given office, voting shall be by secret ballot. A majority of the Active Members present and voting shall be sufficient to elect officers.

Section 5. The newly elected officers shall assume office as the last order of business at the summer meeting.

Section 6. Terms of office for all officers (the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and regional representatives shall be two years. The terms of office shall expire at the close of the meeting at which the term of office has been completed. Longer terms may be approved by the Executive Committee and/or active membership.

Section 7. If the president of the association should become incapacitated or ineligible for Active Membership in the Association during his or her term of office, the vacancy will be filled by the vice president. If an officer, other than the President of the Association, should become incapacitated or ineligible for Active Membership in the Association during his or her term of office and/or if the vice president should assume the office of president during his or her term of office, the vacancy thus created shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee for the remainder of the term.


ARTICLE II Duties of Officers

Section 1. Duties of the President. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings, to make appointments to standing and ad hoc committees, to inform all committee members of their functions and responsibilities, to act as the official representative of the Association, to serve as chairman of the Executive Committee, and to perform such other duties as the position normally entails.

Section 2. Duties of the Vice President. It shall be the duty of the vice president to preside at meetings in the absence of the president and perform the duties of the president when that position is vacant. The vice president shall be responsible for program planning and preparation of programs for the annual meetings.

Section 3. Duties of the Secretary. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the regular and special meetings, to keep a record of the membership committee of the Association, to be the custodian of the records, and to make proper reports to the Association.

Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to be the custodian of the funds of the Association and make proper accounting of such funds and to make proper reports to the Association.

Section 5. Duties of the Regional Representatives. The regional representatives shall serve as members of the Executive Committee. The five elected regional members-at-large shall convene informal meetings of student development administrators in their regions for the purpose of sharing information on current and emerging issues.


ARTICLE III Committees

Section 1. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the president, the vice president, the secretary, the Treasurer, the immediate past president of the Association and five regional representatives.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall constitute the Governing Body of the Association in all matters not specifically provided for in the Constitution and By-Laws, and shall act on behalf of the Association during the period between annual meetings.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall constitute a Committee on Credentials.

Section 4. The President of the Association may appoint ad hoc committees as necessary and appropriate and shall determine their membership, duties, and duration.

Section 5. All Standing Committee members shall serve two-year terms which will expire at the close of the meeting at which the term of office has been completed.

Section 6. A simple majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.



Section 1. Institutional membership is available to colleges at no cost, allowing for up to 10 members.

Section 2. Only persons who are listed as Active members shall be eligible to vote for the College and participate in the official business of the Association. Each College will be allowed one vote by an Active Member per item of business.

Section 3. The Executive Committee may assess a registration fee to be paid at either or both of the yearly meetings of the Association. The registration fee will be the same amount for all Active Members.



A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Active Membership present at the meeting and voting at the regular or special meetings of the Association.


ARTICLE VI Order of Business

The following order of business may be observed in conducting the business of the Association.

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
  3. President’s Report
  4. Vice President’s Report
  5. Secretary’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Report of the Standing Committees
  8. Report of Ad Hoc committees
  9. Unfinished Business
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment


ARTICLE VII Restrictions

No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officers, or other persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II of the Constitution. No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the Association shall not carry on any other activities permitted to be carried on (a) by an association exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an Association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the Corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).


ARTICLE VIII Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the Association, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purpose as shall at the time qualify under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), so disposed of shall be disposed of by the County Court of the County in which the principle office of the association is then located, exclusively for such purpose or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


ARTICLE IX Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority on all matters of parliamentary procedure except as otherwise provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws.